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By God's calling, I am an author and sometimes a tutor. Jesus is my shelter, and my anchor. God is opening new doors, and I am on the verge of a grand adventure. Thank you for walking beside me on that journey.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thanks, Teacher

Hey Y’all,

Happy New Year!!!

My resolutions remain the same. My only prayer is that I will become more consistent in doing what is supposed to be daily work. (-:

I am in the midst of a study on David. Have I mentioned that I really like Beth Moore :-) She makes me think. Trouble is, sometimes, I dig where her X marks the spot. I see the ruby that she's grinning about; but I am drawn to the sapphire that rests next to it. The same verses take us to different places. Different does not equal wrong. The different gems we find remind me that The Holy Spirit’s teaching is always personalized.

He knows how much we are grasping, and what our homework should be. Say I am at second-grade level... He won’t make me struggle with a physics problem.

Neither will He let me get by with pretending that I have no clue that 2+2=4. Also, when I don’t wanna go to school, because I’m thinking, Who needs a diploma, anyway? I'm no dunce. I could teach Kindergarten! He loves me too much to let me stop at second-grade. For my sake, and for sake of those whose lives I will touch, lunchtime and recess cannot take over my days (1 Corinthians 13:11).

Thankfully, our Teacher is never absent, or impatient, or clueless (John 14:16, John 14:26, 1 Corinthians 2:10). What a blessing His Precious Presence is!

This year, may I keep the heart of a child (Matthew 18:3). Let me be eager to walk to class with Beth, and Max, and my friends–no dragging feet or stifled yawns. Thank You, for letting us sit close to you, Jesus (Hebrews 4:15–16)!...

Let the treasure hunt continue!!


Shelly@Sweet Journey said...

Once again you nailed it! Beth is one of my favorite teachers too! Happy studying, Sister!

yvonne said...

I enjoyed this very much, and it made me think of my own learning curve.

Last year was a bad year for me, both mentally and healthwise. I am now almost to a point that I can consider myself improving.

Pray for my daughter, Capri. She is in a trial program for her stage four cancer. I am praying fervantly for a miracle.

Love you, Yvonne

JAH said...

I am so glad different does not equal wrong. Life would be very boring. But then God knew this. He wants us to have challenges, so we will turn to Him but He also wants us to think for ourselves. God is AWESOME. Outside of the box definitely keeps us on our toes. By trusting in Him and relying on Him to guide us He will make our paths easier. I am so glad to be His daughter. He is a wonderful teacher.